Pricing on Shopify

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Brevi Chat is designed for small, growing stores. Unlike our competitors, Brevi Chat includes everything you need on day one - FOR FREE - to ensure you close every possible sale.

For fast-growing stores, check out our range of ChatGPT pricing plans.

Powerful features are easy to use, right away.

Brevi Chat
for Shopify

Our Comp­etitors
Live Chat
Custom Chat Widget Styling
Automated and Triggered Messages
both proactive as well as reactive - e.g., Save Cart (Unlimited)

Some offer one or the other. Only Brevi gives you both for free, with no limits on how many.
SMS Text Notifications
for Visitor Messages as well as Visitor Arrival on Site (600/month)

Some offer one or the other. Only Brevi gives you both for free.
Email Integration
automatically add emails from chat to any Mailchimp, Klaviyo, or Privy email list

Our top competitors do NOT integrate instantly with any of these leading email service providers for ecommerce businesses.
Real-time Visitor List
with detailed profile info on every visitor

Some only give you city and state for free. You have to pay for detailed visitor info.
Live Visitor Page Activity and Cart Info
watch your visitors in real time

They charge you for this.
Initiate a Chat with a Visitor

And also for this.
Saved Replies
for quick, standard responses

Sometimes free, sometimes not.
Permitted Users
How many staff members can use it on their own?
4 users

Our top competitors only give up to 3 users for free, and one of them only permits you to have a SINGLE operator.


Any questions about our pricing should be addressed to us by email at: